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Wishing Well


Wishes and Outcomes

The Whispering Wishing Well can be purchased for 7,775 Simoleons from the Outdoor Activities Catalogue of Build/Buy Mode. Sims can make wishes at the Whispering Wishing Well. There are a total of nine wishes that Sims can make. A wish costs 1 Simoleon and there are six possible outcomes for each wish.

The Well’s face reflects its mood.





Offering Amount



100 Simoleons

The offering will displease the Wishing Well and wishes are more likely to have unpleasant outcomes. The well will emit an orange light.

The offering presented has been found wanting. The Whispering Wishing Well is displeased and wishes are more likely to result in unpleasant outcomes.

1,000 Simoleons

The offering will make the Wishing Well satisfied and more amenable to granting wishes. The Well will emit a green light.

A suitable offering! The Whispering Wishing Well is satisfied and is now more amenable to granting wishes.

5,000 Simoleons

The offering will please the Wishing Well and it will more likely grant a wish well. The Well will emit a white light.

What a highly generous offering! The Whispering Wishing Well is most pleased and will nearly certainly grant a wish well.

The Wishing Well in included in The Sims 4 Romantic Garden Stuff Pack.

Sims can make an offering to the Wishing Well to influence the outcome of wishes. 

The nine wishes are: Simoleons, Skills, Happiness, Romance, Good Grades, Promotion, Child, Youthful Vigor, and Life. 

Each wish has six possible outcomes: Overwhelmingly Positive, Positive, Neutral, Negative, Overwhelmingly Negative, and Deadly. (Except for Grades and Life which don’t have a Deadly Outcome). 

The Wishing Well will emit different colours for different outcomes: White for Overwhelmingly Positive, Green for Positive, Grey for Neutral, Orange for Negative, Red for Overwhelmingly Negative, and Black for Deadly.






Overwhelmingly Positive

The wishing Sim will win the Lottery and receive a lot of Simoleons.

[Sim name] just beat the one in 175 million odds and won the lottery! That’s a lotta Simoleons!

Happy +2

Won the Lottery

(Same as Notification)

4 hours


The wishing Sim will instantly receive some Simoleons from the Wishing Well.

All of the coins that Sims have wished upon were suddenly regurgitated up and out of the well, and straight into [Sim name]’s wallet.

Happy +1

Fortunes Abound

(Same as notification)

4 hours


The wishing Sim will receive knowledge of another Sim’s “dark secret”. The Sim can blackmail any Sim for Simoleons. They will receive Simoleons from that Sim, but they will be enemies and will despise each other.

With great knowledge comes great power, and the wishing well just bestowed a particularly juicy morsel into [Sim name]’s mind. It would be quite lucrative to blackmail another Sim in exchange for [Sim name]’s silence... Is it worth making an enemy in exchange for a pocket full of Simoleons?

Inspired +2

Learned Darkest Secrets

(Same as notification)

4 hours


The wishing Sim will lose Simoleons

When [Sim name] tossed a coin into the wishing well, the well figured he/she could stand to lose a few more.

Sad +1

Sadim Touch

(Same as notification)

4 hours

Overwhelmingly Negative

The wishing Sim will gain an addiction to mobile game microtransactions and will lose a lot of Simoleons.

[Sim name] has been swindled! Despite receiving a large sum of Simoleons from the wishing well, he/she immediately had the inexplicable urge to spend them all (and more!) on cosmetic hats in his/her newest mobile gaming addiction!

Tense +3


(Same as notification)

4 hours


The wishing Sim will catch fire and Simoleons will be subtracted from the household funds. If no one puts the burning Sim out they will die.

[Sim name] panics; the Simoleons in his/her pocket are the perfect tinder for the hexed flames roaring out from the depths of the well. Clearly the well had no desire to fulfill [Sim name]’s lust for wealth, and instead chose to make him/her pay.

Tense +99

My Simoleons Burned Up!

[Sim name] can still feel the lick of the flames against his/her skin. He/She was helpless as his/her Simoleons leapt from his/her pocket and flew into the fire. What could reside in the depths of the well to generate such hexed flames?

4 hours






Overwhelmingly Positive

The wishing Sim will instantly max a random skill. Children will max any of the four child skills.

[Sim name] can check one skill off his/her bucket list... He/She’s a certified master now!

Confident +3

Universal Knowledge

(Same as Notification)

4 hours


The wishing Sim will have an increase to a random skill. Children will get a skill increase in any of the four child skills

[Sim name] has started down the path of mastering a new skill. Check his/her skill panel for tips on further progression.

Confident +2

Skill Learned

(Same as Notification)

4 hours


The wishing Sim will gain the Confidence they need to gain skills faster. They will gain skills at a faster rate then usual.

[Sim name] thought the flick of a coin would be enough to gain a skill? No, he/she’ll have to work for it... but his/her wish will provide a boost to any skill gains for as long as this moodlet remains.

Confident +1

Expedient Learning

(Same as notification)

4 hours


The wishing Sim will go into a forced stupor and will struggle to progress in any skills.

The temperamental wishing well is displeased at [Sim name]’s attempts to take shortcuts in life. In [Sim name]’s forced stupor, he/she’ll struggle to progress in any skills.

Sad +2

Fogged Mind

(Same as notification)

4 hours

Overwhelmingly Negative

The wishing Sim will be unable to gain any skills for the next few hours.

The last thing [Sim name] remembers is a fleeting moment of clarity, as if all the world’s combined knowledge rushed into her head... only to have it burst upon discovering a brain too small to store it. It’s time for [Sim name] to take a break from improving any skills for awhile.

Dazed +3

Mind Numbed

(Same as notification)

4 hours


The Wishing Well will expose the wishing Sim as being incapable of ever gaining any skills and will make them mortified which could lead to Death by Embarrassment. Children and Teenagers will get Mortified, but will not die from it.

The well reached into a depths of [Sim name]’s mind and revealed his/her dark truth...

A wish cannot be granted to one who is incapable of possessing.”

[Sim name] recoiled in horror, embarrassed that his/her simple wish exposed one of his/her deepest insecurities.

Embarrassed +99

Lack of Talent

(Same as notification)

4 hours






Overwhelmingly Positive

The wishing Sim will be very happy for 2 days and all other Happy moodlets will last for twice as long as usual.

[Sim name] was literallt walking on sunshine for a moment there! Such a happy high is contagious; all of [Sim name]’s happy Moodlets will last even longer than normal.

Happy +2

Always Sunny

(Same as notification)

2 days


The wishing Sim will be granted happiness for 24 hours.

[Sim name] feels cheerful... overjoyed even! That’s a fair deal for a single Simoleon!

Happy +1

Forever Cheerful

(Same as notification)

24 hours


The wishing Sim will tell themself that they are happy. They will be happy, but after 24 hours they will become sad.

[Sim name] convinces him/herself that he/she’s happy through clenched teeth. It seems the Whispering Wishing Well may have ignored [Sim name]’s plea.

Happy +1


[Sim name] is happy. Happy happy happy. If he/she keeps telling him/herself that it must be must be true, right? Happy!

24 hours

Sad +3

Happiness Doesn’t Last Forever

[Sim name] tried to convince him/herself that he/she was happy... he/she really did. This soul crushing sadness is the result of a wish gone wrong, and an ill-advised attempt to convince oneself otherwise.

4 hours


The wishing Sim will lose their happiness and become angry.

Hey! That wish for happiness came from [Sim name]! That blasted wishing well gave his/her happiness away to to other nearby Sims!

Angry +2

Where Is My Hapiness

(Same as notification)

4 hours

Overwhelmingly Negative

The wishing Sim will be sapped of their happiness and everyone around them will be happy.

The wishing well bestowed [Sim name] with a tragic dilemma. Being around others will cause him/her sadness, but nearby Sims will find happiness in his/her misery. Oh, delicious schadenfreude!

Sad +3

Leaking Happiness

(Same as notification)

4 hours

(Nearby Sims will get:)

Happy +1

Extra Vigor

Happiness is in the air! Specifically, some other Sim’s happiness. That can only mean one thing... some poor sap nearby had an unfortunate encounter with a wishing well. Don’t let it go to waste!

4 hours


The Wishing Well will grant the Sim so much happiness, they will become hysterical which could lead to Death by Laughter. Children and Teenagers will get Hysterical, but they will not die from it.

What’s this grin spreading across [Sim name]’s face? The Whispering Wishing Well has played a devious trick, forcing [Sim name] to burst into peals of happy laughter.

Playful +99

Can’t Stop Smiling

[Sim name]’s mouth involuntarily stretches wide before forcefully bursting open with laughter...





4 hours






Overwhelmingly Positive

A Sim will emerge with “Soulmates” relationship with the wishing Sim. They will have a “Deeply Connected” close sentiment.

Can it be? Clouds of mist and hearts billowed from the Whispering Wishing Well’s mouth, and [Sim name]’s soulmate formed before his/her very eyes.

(The same “Made a New Good Friend” and “New Partner” moodlets that Sims get through building these relationships naturally)


The wishing Sim will learn the “Ultimate Pick Up Line” which they can use on any Sim. They will instantly become “Lovebirds”.

The face on the wishing well implanted the ultimate pick up line into [Sim name]’s subconsciousness. Use it wisely on a target of his/her affection – once the words are uttered they’ll be wiped from [Sim name]’s mind.

Flirty +3

Mystical Romance Tips

(Same as notification)

4 hours


The wishing Sim will become flirty.

Nothing sets the tone for a night or romance like a little flirting. Well... what is [Sim name] waiting for? Go paint the town red (or pink, as it were)!

Flirty +2

Ultimate Flirt

(Same as notification)

4 hours


The wishing Sim will become sad and most romantic interactions will be unavailable.

As [Sim name] heard his/her coin splash deep within the depths of the well, two words pierced his/her mind... “Give Up.” Well then, no romance for [Sim name] for awhile.

Sad +2

Hopeless in Romance

(Same as notification)

4 hours

Overwhelmingly Negative

A Sim will emerge with maximum romance relationship and enemy status relationship. The relationship status will be “Enemies with Benefits”.

From the bubbling pitch emerges a Sim so disagreeable, so foul, so despicable and yet... so irresistible? [Sim name] finds him/herself drawn inexplicably closer to his/her new enemy with benefits.

(No Moodlet)


A ghost Sim will emerge from a black cloud with “Soulmates” relationship with the wishing Sim. They will have a “Deeply Connected” close sentiment, but they will forever be unable to marry their ghost love.

Love knows no bounds, and the reaper himself could not keep [Sim name] from uniting with his/her spectral soulmate.

(The same “Made a New Good Friend” and “New Partner” moodlets that Sims get through building these relationships naturally)

Good Grades





Overwhelmingly Positive

The wishing Sim will get a call from the school principal and their school grade will instantly go up a grade.

[Sim name], it’s your school principal calling. I took a moment out of my busy day to personally call and congratulate you. You’ve been named “Student of the Day” as your grades are rocketing upwards at a rate leaps and bounds beyond your peers. Keep up the fantastic work!

(No Moodlet)


The wishing Sim’s school performance will instantly improve and increase to Excellent.

Hello [Sim name], it’s your homeroom teacher calling. Your school performance has skyrocketed recently, and I wanted to offer some further words of encouragement. I’ve singled you out as the most improved student in class; you’re right on the cusp of improving your report card. If you meet your other grade requirements, I’ll be able to bump you up a full letter grade the next time you’re in class. I believe in you!

(No Moodlet)


The wishing Sim will get a call from their teacher telling them there’s been a miraculous improvement in their test results, but they will still need to complete their homework to increase their grade.

Hi [Sim name], it’s your teacher calling. There’s been a miraculous – almost unbelievable – improvement in you recent test scores. As noted in the school’s handbook though, 50% of your final grade is based upon completion of homework. I can’t increase your grade any further until I’ve seen more assignments turned in.

Angry +1

Not What I Wished For

That wasn’t what [Sim name] wished for at all! Doesn’t the wishing well understand Simlish?

4 hours


The wishing Sim will be accused of attempting to cheat to improve their grades and their school performance will drop down to poor.

[Sim name]? It’s the school’s vice-principal calling. I’m aware you’ve been attempting to cheat to improve your grades. Did you think the news of the existence of a magical wishing well wouldn’t spread around town? Your school performance has been dropped accordingly. You’ll need to complete some extra credit work if you “wish” to regain your former status.

...get it? “Wish”? Hah hah hah...

Tense +2

I Wished For Better Grades!

[Sim name] was accused of cheating in an effort to raise his/her grades! He/She tried to escape punishment by arguing that there’s nowhere in the syllabus that states that wishing wells aren’t allowed, but the vice-principal simply wouldn’t listen!

4 hours

Overwhelmingly Negative

The wishing Sim will get accused of hacking into the school system and their school grade will drop by a grade.

Hello [Sim name], it’s the school’s vice-principal calling. Just moments ago I noticed your grades suddenly jump upwards in the school’s database and I’m forced to conclude that you hacked into our system. Perhaps you have a future as a Tech Guru, but such behavior is not to be rewarded as you remain in my institution of education. I’ve been forced to not only return your grade to it’s previous level, but I’ve dropped you one letter grade further as a punitive action. Think of positive ways to channel your knowledge in the future instead of taking embarrassing shortcuts to get ahead.

Embarrassed +2

Grades Dropped

Not only was [Sim name] dropped a full letter grade, but the school’s vice-principal falsely accused him/her of attempting to hack the school’s database to change his/her grades. How could a simple wish go so wrong?

4 hours






Overwhelmingly Positive

The wishing Sim will instantly be promoted in their career by one level

[Sim name], this is your workplace calling; we have urgent news to share! Your boss won the lottery and immediately walked out mid-shift. We need to rapidly fill the vacated position, and we think you’re the right man/woman for the job. Congratulations on the promotion!

(No Moodlets)


The wishing Sim’s job performance will instantly improve and increase to excellent.

[Sim name], this is your workplace calling. Your job performance has been outstanding recently; the company’s leadership has their eye on you! Provided you’ve met the other promotion requirements, your next shift is sure to end with a promotion!


The wishing Sim will receive a bonus. The Simoleons will be added to the household funds.

Hello [Sim name], this is your workplace calling with some wonderful news! Everyone here has been impressed with your work ethic, and we’re pleased to give you this bonus. We really wanted to promote you, but due to budgetary restrictions and ongoing headcount limitations that simply wasn’t possible. Hang in there, I’m sure we’ll take care of you in the next review period!

Angry +1

Not What I Wished For

That wasn’t what [Sim name] wished for at all! Doesn’t the wishing well understand Simlish?

4 hours


The wishing Sim’s job performance will instantly decrease and drop down to poor.

Hello [Sim name], this is work calling. We were considering you for a promotion, but upon closer review we’ve noticed a downward trend in your job performance. You’ve been placed on probationary status during which we’ll be evaluating you closely. We strongly recommend having an exemplary shift the next time you show up or you may be in line for a demotion.

Tense +2

I Wished For The Promotion!

[Sim name] wished for a promotion, not a chance at a promotion! What’s this nonsense about needing to work harder to get ahead! That was the whole point of wishing!

4 hours

Overwhelmingly Negative

The wishing Sim will instantly be demoted in their career by one level.

Hello [Sim name], this is the HR department at your workplace calling. We’re legally compelled to inform you of punitive actions taken at the conclusion of an internal review. We were made aware of performance issues via complaints levied anomalously by a co-worker. Our investigation left no doubt of the accusations, the records of which have been sealed and are not subject to personal review. Your change in employment status is effective immediately and is not valid for appeal.

(No Moodlets)


The wishing Sim is instantly demoted in their career by one career level. They will become Enraged which could lead to Death by Cardiac Explosion.

Am I speaking with [Sim first name]? [Sim full name]? It’s your boss; you know – the one from that job you’ve been loafing around at. Your name came up in a meeting recently as someone who was hinting at wanting a promotion. Let me unequivocally state that you won’t be advancing anytime soon. The gall of you even thinking you’re due a promotion... I think I’ll knock you down a peg instead.

Angry +99

Worked So Hard

[Sim name]... worked... SO... HARD! One simple wish ruined it all? The thought of having to claw his/her way back up the corporate ladder is enough to make one snap!

4 hours






Overwhelmingly Positive

The wishing Sim will be blessed with a new child. The child will be added to the household and will usually have the genius trait. If the wishing Sim is married the child will be the child of both Sims.

It’s a wishing well miracle! A “wiracle!” [Sim name] has been rewarded with a brilliant new member of the family!

Happy +2

Joys of Children

(Same as notification)

4 hours


The wishing Sim will be pre-approved to adopt a child. There will be no agency fee for adopting a child if the Sim adopts within the next 24 hours.

Hello, this is the adoption agency calling for [Sim name]. Your application papers were above and beyond any we’ve ever seen. There’s no doubt in our minds that you’ll be an exemplary father/mother! In recognition of your propensity for parenting, you’ve been pre-approved for a free adoption.

Oh, before you hang up... this is a limited time offer, so please rush to your computer to adopt today!

Happy +1

Adoption Pre-Approved

What good fortune! The adoption agency must be overflowing with unplaced children to be waiving their standard adoption fees. [Sim name] should rush to a computer and adopt now!

24 hours


Trying for a baby will have a guaranteed chance of success.

Were those pheromones that were wafting out of the wishing well? Nonetheless, hurry to your lover; trying for a baby is nearly guaranteed to success while Woohooing under the well’s blessing.

Flirty +1

Try For Baby

(Same as notification)

4 hours


The wishing Sim will be temporarily unable to conceive. Trying for a baby will result in failure.

The Whispering Wishing Well must have been created with the Hates Children trait, as it’s cruelly made [Sim name] temporarily unable to conceive!

Embarrassed +2

Temporary Infertility

(Same as notification)

4 hours

Overwhelmingly Negative

The wishing Sim will receive a child with the evil trait. The child will be added to the household and family tree.

A bundle of “joy” – hah, what a farce. The wishing well foisted an evil child upon [Sim name] – surely the result of another poor parent’s wish to be rid of the brat.

Angry +2

Joys” of Children

(Same as notification)

4 hours


The wishing Sim will be given a ghost child. The ghost will be added to the household and family tree.

[Sim name] is the proud dad/mom of a new... ghost? And the child seems to have passed in the most tragic of fashions. Well, they certainly don’t write parenting handbooks on how to handle this!

Sad +1

Raising A Ghost

(Same as notification)

4 hours

Youthful Vigor





Overwhelmingly Positive

The wishing Sim’s age will be reset to the beginning of their current life stage.

The Whispering Wishing Well heard [Sim name]’s plea. As an enchanted white light washes over his/her body, he/she can hear the hands of time winding backwards in the recesses of his/her mind. It would seem that he/she’s been returned to the beginning of his/her current age stage!

Energized +2

A Few Years Younger

Blinded by the light

Age stage reset

These bones are feeling right

4 hours


A few additional days are added to the wishing Sim’s overall lifetime.

Time is definitely on [Sim name]’s side... a few additional days have been added to his/her overall lifetime.

Energized +1

Extended Life

(Same as notification)

4 hours


The wishing Sim will become energized.

Tendrils of energy flow from the wishing well and surge through [Sim name]’s body, energizing him/her with an extra spring in his/her step for the day!

Energized +1

Feeling Young

There’s nothing like an extra spring in [Sim name]’s step to help him/her through the day!

4 hours


The wishing Sim will feel energized, but after 4 hours they will become dazed.

Power overwhelming! [Sim name] feels like he/she could run and run and never stop!

Energized +2

Overflowing Vigor

(Same as notification)

4 hours

Dazed +3

Overexerted Myself

The wishing well tricked [Sim name]! After pushing him/herself to unheard of limits, he/she’s crashed back down to reality and his/her body needs time to recover.

Overwhelmingly Negative

The wishing Sim will instantly age up to the next life stage.

Loss of youth? What about a loss of birthday cake!? [Sim name] suddenly aged up... Perhaps it was the well’s cunning plan to force [Sim name] to continue to use the wishing well if he/she wants to get through his/her bucket list before he/she kicks it. Does [Sim name] dare try again?

Sad +2

Loss of Youth

(Same as notification)

4 hours


The wishing Sim will be transformed into a ghost. Their cause of death in the Simology panel will be a death.

As a ghost, [Sim name] can stay his/her current age forever and ever and ever. This is what he/she wished for, yes? Wait, he/she’s unhappy with the outcome? Perhaps the wishing well can help with that...

Sad +3

Perpetual Youth

(Same as notification)

4 hours

Life (Ghosts only)





Overwhelmingly Positive

The wishing Sim will instantly be brought back to life. If they die within the next 4 hours the Grim Reaper will spare them.

Two arms... check! Two legs... check! Can’t walk through walls... check! Not only has [Sim name] returned to the living, but he/she’s formed a pact with the reaper granting instant resurrection in case of any unexpected death. [Sim name] can sleep soundly knowing he/she’ll live out a long, full life until passing away at a ripe old age.

Happy +3

Miracle Revival

(Same as notification)

4 hours


The wishing Sim will receive an Ambrosia or an ingredient to make Ambrosia.

(There are two possible outcomes here. In both cases the notification says the same thing as the moodlet. It the Sim receives an Ambrosia the notification will repeat the Happy “Chance at Life” moodlet. If the Sim gets an ingredient for an Ambrosia the notification will repeat the Inspired “Ingredients of Life” moodlet.)

Happy +2

Chance At Life

Oh sweet serendipity, a slice of Ambrosia just manifested itself in [Sim name]’s inventory! A return to life is just a bite away, should he/she choose to keep it for him/herself that is...

4 hours

Inspired +1

Ingredients of Life

That wasn’t quite what [Sim name] wished for, but the new ingredient that popped into existence in his/her inventory ought to help. With a few more ingredients and a dash of cooking skill, [Sim name] could whip up an Ambrosia recipe that’ll return him/her to the land of the living. A few more wishes ought to yield him/her what he/she needs.

4 hours


The wishing Sim’s wish will not be granted.

Just because [Sim name] is a ghost doesn’t mean he/she can’t appreciate the value of a simoleon. And that one... the one he/she just threw down there in the bottom of the creepy well... appears to have been wasted. Not even a ghost would dare lower themselves in to retrieve it!

Sad +1

Wish Not Granted

(Same as notification)

4 hours


The wishing Sim will start to be resurrected, but will remain a ghost, but their cause of death in their Simology panel will change.

Something appears to have gone wrong. [Sim name] was enveloped in a gleaming light, he/she could feel him/herself passing back to the realm of the mortals, when suddenly... BAM! Dead once agian.

Sad +2

Just A Ghost

(Same as notification)

4 hours

Overwhelmingly Negative

The wishing Sim will be unable to be resurrected for the next four hours.

[Sim name] is unable to return to life for the time being; the wishing well made that perfectly clear. At least there’s peace to be had in knowing one’s own fate.

Happy +1

Accepted Fate

(Same as notification)

4 hours












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