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Fish Collection
The Fish Collection is included in The Sims 4 Base game. Additional fish were added to this collection through various packs.
Base game
The following fish are included in The Sims 4 Base game:
Rarity: Common
A perch by another name. Nice sound dynamics though.
Rarity: Common
A small member of the carp family known to frequent both fishbowls and toilet bowls.
City Living
The following fish came with The Sims 4 City Living expansion pack:
Island Living
The following fish came with The Sims 4 Island Living expansion pack:

Rarity: Common
A small, bright tropical fish. (Not only bright as in colorful--they’re also pretty smart.)

Rarity: Common
Koi is actually a shortening of nishikigoi meaning “brocaded carp.” A pretty name for a pretty fish.

Rarity: Common
A fish so small, it’s best used to catch other fish.

Rarity: Common
A small spiny fish typically found in rivers and lakes.

Rarity: Common
A good sized fish known in Celtic mythology as a symbol of wisdom. Also known for being delicious.

Rarity: Common
A small freshwater fish with a compressed, shiny body and distinctive fins.

Rarity: Common
It might look like a little bit like salmon, but no doubt it’s trout.

Rarity: Uncommon
A lovely small fish, perfect for showing off and keeping other fish on their best behavior.

Rarity: Uncommon
A very small and hardy fish, that’s betta than most!

Rarity: Uncommon
Unlike a domestic cat, this fish uses its whiskers to taste its surroundings. Like thin little tongues.

Kissing Gourami
Rarity: Uncommon
Don’t kiss these lips; perch have sharp rows of teeth lining their mouth.

Rarity: Uncommon
Tilapia are a type of cichlid fish. They’re pretty happy in a nice aquarium too.

Wolf Eel
Rarity: Uncommon
This bottom feeding eel-like fish is known its hard-shell eating teeth. Scared? They’re actually quite friendly.

Rarity: Rare
A sneaky predator fish that lures prey into its mouth with a small, glowing tentacle like growth on its head.

Rarity: Rare
The batfish doesn’t sleep upside-down, but it has nice, leathery wings to make up for it.

“Captain Fishbones” Bonefish
Rarity: Rare
He swims in circles, can’t remember a thing, and is already dead... your best friend!

Gummie Guppie
Rarity: Rare
A deliciously squishy friend for your home, just don’t leave him alone with the catfish.

Rarity: Rare
A small fish with big bite. But really, watch out for those tiny teeth.

Rarity: Rare
Contrary to popular belief, following a rainbowfish will not lead you to a pot of goldfish.

Red-Tailed Black Shark
Rarity: Rare
A small fish with a big name. Also known as a redtail sharkminnow.

Rarity: Rare
Sturgeon are large fish sometimes called living fossils. Luckily, they aren’t offended.

Rarity: Rare
Shhh... can you hear their singing? No? Well, even magical treefish have limits.

Rarity: Common
Tuna are rather common and rather large, in general. Enjoy as a large portioned sashimi or as a large decorative on a small mount.

Rarity: Rare
Mounted Pufferfish, which, when alive, used to huff and puff. Oh eating it could also be poisonous.

Celestial Grouper
Rarity: Common
They are primordially hunters, they lie on the bottom and surge forward, preferring juvenile surgeonfish and crustaceans. Alternatively they may hover motionless in the water column before attacking.

Rarity: Common
Thirty species are recognized: one in the genus Premnas, while the remaining are in the genus Amphiprion. In the wild, they all form symbiotic mutualisms with sea anemones. Depending on species, anemonefish are overall yellow, orange, or a reddish or blackish color, and many show white bars or patches.

Mahi Mahi
Rarity: Common
Surface-dwelling, ray-finned fish found in off-shore temperate, tropical, and subtropical waters worldwide. Also widely called dorado and dolphin.

Neon Angelfish
Rarity: Common
Neon...Shinier! Glossier than your garden variety Angelfish.

Bluefin Tuna
Rarity: Uncommon
Bluefin are the largest tuna.

Rarity: Uncommon
Although some species are dull-colored, most wear intricate patterns with striking backgrounds of blue, red, orange, or yellow. Many have dark bands across their eyes and round, eye-like dots on their flanks to confuse predators as to which end to strike and in which direction they’re likely to flee.

Fighting Plakat
Rarity: Uncommon
Pronounced pla-COT, they are a short-finned variety of Betta Splendens. They were originally selected out of rice paddies in Thailand and Southeast Asia and bred for their fighting abilities.

Rarity: Uncommon
Parrotfish are colorful and voracious herbivores that spend up to 90% of their day eating algae off of coral reefs with their beak-like teeth. And they defecate sand, keeping beaches beachy...

Golden Mahi Mahi
Rarity: Rare
They are distinguished by dazzling colors, in this case GOLD!

Green Plakat
Rarity: Rare
They are quite intelligent as fish go, and they can even be trained to recognize their owners and do tricks.

Leopard Shark
Rarity: Rare
Harmless to humans, the leopard shark is caught by commercial and recreational fisheries for food and the aquarium trade.

Royal Sabrefish
Rarity: Rare
How Royal? We are not sure.

Rarity: Rare
Members of the scorpionfish family are experts at blending in with their surroundings, making them excellent ambush predators in their habitat.

Rarity: Rare
They are a popular sport fish of the billfish category, though elusive.